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TiffinArts / 黛安·基德画廊




博彩平台推荐的黛安·基德画廊的使命是教育, 充实的生活, 扩大学生的世界, staff and the larger community by providing a dedicated venue in which to present quality arts exhibitions and programs by talented professional, 业余和学生艺术家.


The 黛安·基德画廊 is open to the public during the academic year Monday, 星期二和星期四上午10点.m. – 2 p.m.,星期三上午10点.m. – 5 p.m. and Fridays by appointment only by appointment by contacting 约瑟夫·范·克霍夫 at 午餐大学 at vankerkhovejm@tengenixs.net. 美术馆在博彩平台推荐学术假期期间关闭.

画廊的展览也可以团体参观. 戴安·基德画廊位于海耶斯艺术中心. 查看校园地图,请单击 在这里.


2024 - 2025年计划


Liz Maugans是YARDS项目的主管, and Curator of 达拉德收藏 at Worthington Yards in Cleveland’s Warehouse District. 她是Art EverySpace的联合创始人, a women-owned business that supports artists through the purchase and activation of hyper-local art in communities living and working in properties in Northeast Ohio. 她是Zygote Press的联合创始人和前执行董事, 这是一家位于伟大城市克利夫兰的非营利性版画工作室. 她创立了集体艺术网络, 季刊, online resource and arts consortium that works to promote Northeast Ohio artists and organizations to a greater audience. 她是艺术家信托基金(克利夫兰艺术家登记处)的创始人。, an open access collective arts project and artist registry to better connect Cuyahoga County Artists of all disciplines to each other and the greater community. Maugans was instrumental in bringing the Rooms-to-Let Project to Slavic Village and acts as a consultant and participant of the temporary installations that take place in foreclosed houses. 莫根斯是艺术家桥联盟的联合创始人, a grassroots organizing collective that brings more voice to individuals in the Creative Workforce. Maugans is Vice President and sits on the Board of Trustees of the Collective Arts Network and Refresh Collective.

超过25年, 她组织过以地区为特色的个人展览和专题展览, 国内外知名艺术家. 她的策展专长是她对新兴艺术的热爱, social justice and local experimental practices that broaden access through social networks, 包容和社区建设举措. 艺术家和视觉艺术的倡导者, Maugans has served as a consultant for numerous community development organizations and creative business start-ups. Her passion for cross-disciplinary partnerships includes collaborations with the North Shore Federation of Labor, 大克利夫兰艾滋病特别工作组, 社区评估及治疗服务, YHaven, Gordon Square Arts District and the Support for Artist Planning Team through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. In January of 2019, she co-founded the Artist Bridge Coalition that advocates for individual artists. 她教授社区艺术家和博物馆学 & Collections and is the Haddad Arts Initiative Studio Art/Art History Career Mentor at Cleveland State University. She has taught printmaking and drawing including Print Propaganda throughout NEO Universities for the past 20 years including Lorain County Community College, Tri-C地铁, 肯特州立大学和克利夫兰艺术学院.

She received her BFA in printmaking from Kent State University and her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1992. 毛根的作品被收录在进步艺术收藏中, 克利夫兰诊所, 达拉德收藏, 男朋友古德里奇, 威斯汀收藏馆和里夫政府与艺术中心. She received an Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship in 2000 and a 2005 Artist-in-Communities Grant. Maugans was awarded an Ohio Arts Council’s 国际 Residency to Dresden, Germany in 2009. 她很荣幸, 以及她的Zygote联合创始人, 贝拉米Printz, the Martha Joseph Prize for Distinguished Service from the Cleveland Arts Prize in 2012. In 2013, 她获得了20美元的奖金,000 Creative Workforce Fellowship from Community Partnership for Arts and Culture.

“政府是必不可少的——它是花朵的茎,而不是花朵. 最好的政府是无趣的、渐进的、有序的. 这是稳定的改革,而不是令人兴奋的变革. It’s keeping the peace and promoting justice and creating a background setting for mobility, 但它并没有传达意义.——大卫·布鲁克斯

My work has always been diaristic illustrating the changing times of my life as a woman, 妈妈, 管理员和社区组织者. 过去的几年很艰难, 处理世界的混乱, 累积的悲伤, 健康问题和年龄的增长. I’ve create art to understand things better and my more recent response is trying to figure out a world that doesn’t make sense to me anymore. 所以随着世界的变化, I decided I needed an imaginary vacation to Jamaica and shifted directions to sail towards warmer, 深情的水域, pivoting to a new groove and an emotional balance that registered with- less stem, 更多的花.


I wish I could extract these flower powers and inject them into the never-ending list of things that are devastating, 在我们的社会中灵魂破碎. 《博彩平台推荐》系列象征着爱、美、坚韧和死亡. The Flowers soon took me into different directions with series and variants by way of printmaking, 绘画, 混合媒介拼贴. 制作鲜花成了一种深沉的游戏和痴迷. 主题从萎缩和匮乏转变为蓬勃发展的快乐和富足. I listened to Reggae and it was the edifying music that inspired the titles of each work are taken from uplifting songs by Peter Tosh, 鲍勃·马利和其他人.

The Flowers tapped my own Oxytocin-wellspring through an immediate and direct process that produced pure enjoyment and delight. I had been starved for beauty and making this work was a salve for me and surprisingly for others too. Flowers provided me with an energy and an unfiltered language that resuscitated my excitement in the studio. I painted over old works created in the pandemic and that became symbolic of the passing of stressful times. The flowers turned into portraits related to arrangements and centerpieces, 标记对我和他人重要的事件. 对称, color and smell of all the flowers around me created such a sensory experience that made me want to obsessively just keep making more and more.

The 黛安·基德画廊 operates under the direction of the School of Arts and Sciences at 午餐大学. 有关展览的决定由美术馆委员会作出, 展览至少提前一到两年进行规划. Daily gallery operations are managed by 约瑟夫·范·克霍夫, Art Gallery Director. 展览建议可发送至. Van Kerkhove使用以下联系方式:

J. Van Kerkhove/Hayes艺术中心
蒂芬,OH 44883



  • 至少20张高分辨率数字图像
  • Each image must be identified with First and Last Name, Title, Medium, Size, Date of artwork
  • 简短的传记
  • 展览的历史
  • 刊物一览表
  • 关于拟举办展览的声明
  • 联系方式:邮寄地址、电话、邮箱


Learn more about 午餐大学’s unique scholarship opportunities in performing, 视觉与媒体艺术.
